Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Greek Crisis: Quick Review

176% GDP to Dept Ratio.

Reduction in Bank Deposit, no body is putting money into Greek Banks.

GDP falling again.

Unemployment increasing again

Investors lack confidence to Greece being able to pay back the dept.

Great part is the rest of the European Government holds 62% of the dept and take the largest hit, followed by private sectors holding 17%. (

There are recommendations out there like, cut spending, raise taxes, drop the idea of using euro, and liquidate their possession.

Of course default may be the case and if that happens good luck with the damage to the other countries holding dept for Greece. It will bring down chunk of Europe with them.

Well, due to Greece not using its own currency and lack the control of its own money (European Central Bank that controls majority of the world bank has it) they are facing current consequences.

The tension of fear is raising, sell for investors in the European market is becoming prominent, just hold onto until the fear becomes large and re-invest into the European market.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Championship Team: The team that makes anything happen.

Thank you for Blair Singer ( of kicking our you know what to have an experience of being on a championship team.

I had an experience going to a training in Phoenix, AZ for 5 days really getting to know the power of the team and the energy inside yourself.

Quick summary of what we accomplished in 5 days:
  1. We as a group of 48 members raised $24 million US dollars.
  2. In average lost 5lbs (about 2.5kg) of fat in 5 days.
  3. Fed 26,000 kids food for a weekend.
  4. Made $5,628 for orphans in Tanzania.
So what made it possible?

What is the key for awesome team?

3 things:

1) Have an agreement on a rule or code of honor (we made sure we agreed on the rule to be on the team).

2) Trust you teammate 100%. If you can then do what ever it takes to do so.

3) Be accountable of each other. (i.e., call on each other's Bull $h!t)

The result was an awesome championship team that feel great to work with.
It is difficult to even explain how it is unless you have the experience of being on such a team. 

Business Crisis Made Easy into 3 Components: MOPS

It is crazy for me not to write about the business crisis management model when that is what I do.

Business has three basic components in order to operate and a crisis related to each:

M- Marketing > Financial Crisis

O- Operation > Organizational Crisis

P/S- Product/Service > Stagnant Crisis

Each has a 3 basic solutions, what all employee must do, and the psychological fear that they need to overcome.


  1. Public Relations
  2. Branding/Marketing
  3. Sales
Employee Mindset
"Everybody must sale."
  • Rejection

Because we hate our idea, product, or services to be rejected we tend to under play the marketing/sales piece.  Although, if you do not do a good job in this area you will be broke and not help anybody, still there is a psychology that stops us from taking action to encounter others and sell/educate them.

  1. Systems (i.e., logistics, company rules, etc.)
  2. Team Building
  3. Expertise (i.e., law, tax)
Employee Mindset
"Must agree and follow the rule and system."
  • Insignificance/Vulnerability
Because of the need to be individualistic and significance there is something that stops us from following the law, rule, asking for help or just simply modeling what works. The weird misconception of rule will restrict us, asking others means your weak and other subconscious ideas, people can't just follow the system.

  1. Innovation
  2. Rapport
  3. Research/Analysis
Employee Mindset
"Higher standard than the day before, constant change and growth."

  • Unknown

Because the greatest fear is the unknown and our brain is geared to stay in the comfort zone, finding and exploring the new is not on top of the list.  Yet, everything in the universe is either growing or dying, so a stagnation in the organization or product most likely lead to the competition smoking them away or just naturally disappearing.

Finally, once the company/organization goes through all three crisis, they just begins from the beginning and it is a cycle.

I will make sure that I make a training video related to this topic soon. Keep eyes on 

Please leave a comment or question I will highly appreciate and get back to you ASAP.

Is it going to be a failure? Starbuck's #Race Together: Comments on managing this crisis.

Well the fact that they stop writing "Race Together" on the cup anymore in one-week, we can say it was a failure. (

However, negative popularity is still a popularity so I guess they did ignite the talk some how about race. Well, should Starbucks be the one to talk about alone?  Probably not.  There is too much lack of integrity to their brand as Tai Tran says (

It is a relatively expensive store where their target population not necessary covers all race or socioeconomic status. 

What they should have done:

1) Joint venture or do the Campaign on behalf of another organization that supports race equality like with the King Center ( that support Martin Luther King Jr's vision; (; Operation Understanding DC (, etc. etc.

2) Market research what cause Starbucks should support and ask the customers on FB or Twitter or so:

"We, Starbucks, are thinking of supporting a good cause, we thought of the following three topics, please tweet which one you like, and if you have an idea please tweet that too."

1) Supporting Veterans Mental Health
2) Racial Equality
3) Health Care Accessability

Or so and get ideas.

Thomas Edison said I find out what the world needs. Then, I go ahead and invent it."

Where did marketing strategies go for Starbucks? Did they become arrogant once they are world known company?

What they should do now:

1) Open apology from CEO and/or the owner, no Justification, denial, or blaming.

2) Regain the permission to do the campaign if you want to continue.

3) Give another plan for fixing and never doing the same thing in the future.

Stock Strike Down, Sign of a Crisis... Oh its the company I used to work for.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) has been the giant of the addiction treatment industry. For profit, and even provides stocks now. 

But interesting when they get news like:

American Addiction Centers: Addicted To Fraudulent Drug Testing? (Mar. 3, 2015,


IPO Lockup Expiration: AAC Holdings (Mar. 31, 2015,

I did not know but their stock was locked up for 180-day until Mar. 31, 2015.

Well the crisis of FBI raiding Florida's addiction centers for fraudulent activity of over using drug test and Blue Cross Blue Shield suing AAC for fraud probably will not help the stock price from dropping.

I sent e-mails to the owner, president, and business development head as if the stock price has shattered and they need a crisis management from us.

The e-mail is as if it already happened but hopefully they get the picture.  Since they haven't done much informing shareholders and customers about the suing and moreover there are multiple cases of errors ( and is a scary position to be.

I will respect the confidentiality and not state specifically what I've seen inside, but lets say the morale of the staff were very low.  It began high, but it just became low over time (  I don't even know if job situation is great for the chief executive positions which are getting paid more.  Usually, the abusiveness are seen in lower paid staff, but I never saw the "cheifs" to be happy, fulfilled, or confident really in AAC. I guess it is true that money makes you not dissatisfied but doesn't make you satisfied.

The following will be what I will recommend for as they get closer to the expiration of the lock-up.

1) Individuals in higher position be honest about the mistakes they made to the public, shareholders, and customers and give specific plans to correct it.

2) Review the crisis management plan and the team who will be responsible for it. Follow up with quality management group after the crisis is resolved.

3) Communicate with all staffs about the current condition of the company, honestly and remove doubts. Make sure the company states about the value they provide to quantity of individuals which is true for having so many beds.

AAC stock price currently is $28.79 lets see what happens.  It may not go down immediately if they force the current shareholders not to sell it.  I don't know even if that is possible.

It is either they go below $23.94 where there support were or have a way to go beyond about $31.57 which was their resistance.  The challenge is faced for AAC as their chart is currently at neutral, you can say its up, you can say its down. Will see what happens on March 31st, 2015.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cliff note on: "The Tobacco Training: Why People Smoke and Non-Traditional Alternatives to Stop Smoking for Good!"

I thought I posted something about stop smoking and surprising I did not!!! Wow, it is interesting when that is one of my specialties. Talking about avoidable life crisis and stress.  This is a big one. A month ago or so I was interviewed by Mr. Marc Brajak about:

"The Tobacco Training: Why People Smoke and Non-Traditional Alternatives to Stop Smoking for Good!"

see he is from Canada and you never know what makes people want to ask different things to me.

You can watch the whole video which is about 47 minutes long. Actually in-depth information are in there.

But I can summarize for you in few bullet points:

  • Health issues from tobacco are caused by 250 harmful toxins in the tobacco.
  • Mainly damage to lung, heart, and DNA
  • People can't stop because their brain short circuited on the pleasure cycle of the brain.
  • People have low or no pleasure unless you smoke. Everything becomes painful.
  • The negative cycle of 1) wanting to stop, and starts, 2) but fails, 3) feels bad about themselves and smokes.
  • Smokers will maintain poverty or live under their mean. 
    • Reasons: 1) it is an expensive habit, 2) health cost later in life, 3) time wasted on the activity (essentially you waste about 1 month smoking if you are a pack a day smoker).
  • With careful screening and support I can help 80% of smokers, who are the ones that want to stop smoking stop smoking.
    • Rest of the 20%? Not ready yet or I will see them later in their life.
  • People will eventually stop, due to brain or the body giving up or enough pain occurs in the person's life and they will stop.
    • I just fasten the process with having a short intense pain just enough for the procedure so the person doesn't need to suffer for the rest of their life.
  • Always try your local community and your insurance. They tend to have free stop smoking treatments or guide.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

15-Point Customer's Checklist to Assess Competent and INCOMPETENT Yoga Instructors

15-Point Customer's Checklist to Assess 
Competent and INCOMPETENT Yoga Instructors

Would you like to have a better yoga practice?
Would you like to know the difference between an awesome and not so awesome yoga instructors?
You came to the right place.

If you were learning martial arts there will be significant difference between learning from a 10 degree black belt grand master and a usual black belt master right?

If you were learning in college there is a difference between learning from a world class international speaker/ researcher/ trainer professor versus "I am here just to read" kind of professor, right?

As having an experience to work with yoga trainers as part of psychological treatment; myself being a trainer of how to "teach" and "sell" for the yoga instructors in Japan (, and practicing yoga, I realized what separates those who are competent and incompetent.


Bikram Choudhury, founder of Bikram Yoga, once was interviewed and questioned "if yoga is so good for your body and mind, why do some people get injured?"  He answered by saying "would you allow a regular person or even a nurse to operate a surgery? No, that is why a professional and competent yoga instructors are needed. The individual who got injured must have done yoga by themselves or without an appropriate yoga instructor." (paraphrased).

So the following is a checklist for the customers and also for the instructors to keep everybody safe and also have the maximum benefit from yoga.


1. Did the instructor engage with the beginners/1st timers and gave some orientation? Y/Maybe/N 

2. Did the instructor question the students before the class if there is anyone who are pregnant or have medical injuries? Y/Maybe/N 

3. Does the instructor warn individuals who are in dangerous postures (i.e., not locking the knee, getting into difficult postures forcefully)? Y/Maybe/N


4. Do you feel a positive strong energy (attitude) from the instructor? Y/Maybe/N
5. Do you feel that the instructor loves yoga and cares about the students? Y/Maybe/N

6. Does the instructor see the importance of following structured lessons (i.e., if there is a dialog they follow the dialog; the practice has some level of structure and is not chaotic)? Y/Maybe/N

7. Does the instructor positively encourage the students during class (i.e., "That's right!" "Beautiful!" "Amazing Job!" etc.)? Y/Maybe/N

8. Does the instructor put effort in learning each students' name? Y/Maybe/N


9. Does the instructor have all ability to safely instruct yoga (i.e., they are not sick, can communicate, they seem to be able and do continue to practice yoga, etc.)? Y/Maybe/N


10. Does the instructor have the skill to demonstrate and does demonstrate the postures? Y/Maybe/N

11. Does the instructor maintain the integrity of the environment (i.e., if it is Bikram yoga maintain 40C/104F and 40% humidity in the room; rules are clearly stated and enforced in the room and the studio; warn or dismiss disruptive students)? Y/Maybe/N

12. Do you know when to go in and out of posture with the instructor's instruction (does more than 80% of the room harmoniously move at the same time)? Y/Maybe/N

13. Does the instructor instruct to the whole class rather than to the individual during class majority of the time and other than in an emergency? (i.e., if one person is making a mistake, the instructor shares the correction with the whole class so the whole class learns, this may happen after correcting that one-person). Y/Maybe/N


14. Does the instructor poses the knowledge to answer your question, willing to answer, and willing to accept that they don't know and get back to you? Y/Maybe/N

15. Does the instructor know the danger of touching the student during the postures and only do so in emergencies or the instructor and the student are in agreement? Y/Maybe/N

Give 2 points for each "Y"s; 1 point for each "Maybe"; and 0 point for "N"s
(For better accuracy score one instructor with 2 or more people and get the average)

Minimally safe yoga instructor should have 15 points.
If you have encountered yoga instructors with less than 15 points, take their class with caution,
Less than 10 points, take the class with your own risk.
Less than 5 points..... (no comment).

As you get closer to 30 points you are lucky, you have an outstandingly competent yoga instructor, you are getting 120% of the benefits!!!!

Hopefully, this helps. If you have a question leave comments and I'll get back to you!

Also, let me know if you scored some of your instructors, I would love to know what the average scores are in the world.

*1 Cramer, H., Krucoff, C., & Dobos, G. (2013). Adverse Events Associated with Yoga: A Systematic Review of Published Case Reports and Case Series. PLOS ONE, 8(10), 1-8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075515

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Medical Error Rate and Reducing the Medical Error Rate

Did you know that there is more than 4,000 surgical errors (in the study 4044) in a year in the U.S?

What do you think about this number?



How about when I say that there is about 50 million surgeries a year in the United States (


The error rate in a mechanized factory is so called 6 sigma (0.00034% error rate).
So the US surgeon has about 5.5 sigma rate, which is pretty awesome for a human done service.

 80 errors per million.

Would I want to be the 80? No.

But, what do we expect?

How much error do you make in your work?  And are we going to unreasonable to expect that from a surgeon?

Well, it will be better if the error rate reduces.

Less problems, death, and crisis.
It will be a type of crisis management I would say.

Can it become better?


By the way:

"They estimate that at least 39 times a week a surgeon leaves foreign objects inside their patients, which includes stuff like towels or sponges. In addition surgeons performing the wrong surgery or operating on the wrong body part occurs around 20 times a week ( articles/254426.php)."

So, 4044/52weeks= about 78 errors a week.  Out of the 78; 39+20=59 errors apparently are preventable.  Which if we do prevent this, 78-59= only 19 errors a week!
Which will reduce the yearly error rate to 988; an amazing 0.002% error rate.

Still higher than the six sigma standard, but hey, John Hopkins says you can prevent these why won't we?  And it is my hallucination that preventing leaving towels and sponges in the body, operating wrong surgery or on wrong body parts cannot be that hard to prevent right?

Hmmmmmm but why does it happen?

These are probably experienced, at least highly intelligent, kind hearted people!

And becoming a medical doctor means, you weren't allowed to make mistakes and was told to be "perfect" verbally or nonverbally.

So, it is not the intention of any doctors to leave objects or operate a wrong surgery.

Then, the question becomes outside of that doctor.

Ohhhhh I know you wanted to BLAME the doctors but YOU CAN'T.

We always need to look at the bigger picture.

Doctor's work are very stressful.  It is very time sensitive and they are responsible for another person's life!

However, how about if the information they were given were wrong?

They haven't had a sleep for the past 36 hours because of their work?

Or the resources they needed was just not given to them? (time, correct tools, etc.)

The bottom line of today's post is that for everyone to remember that:

1) Don't react to the big number posted, it may be not as bad to comparison of a global standard
2) The person taking the action (surgeon) may not be the cause of the problem
3) No joke but don't get sick or get in an accident at night or during holidays (see:

Friday, January 16, 2015

Support to and Let's Seriously Think of Solution to: Employee Strikes Highlight America's Mental Health Crisis

Support to and Let's Seriously Think of Solution to: Employee Strikes Highlight America's Mental Health Crisis

In California mental health workers of Kaiser Permanente, major health insurance and health care provider, strikes for not enough employees for quality care.

I'm sure this sounds familiar for many mental health practitioners employed by a cooperation. Lack of staffing seemed to be an issue in where I used to work, in the substance abuse treatment center.

The issue is the following:

  • The affordable care act has increased the number of patients into the mental health field.
  • In response to such demands there should be an increase in number of service providers.
  • However, actually there is a decrease in number of service provider.

As a result, service cannot be provided to the patients, and as a result there are people who committed suicide and possibly homicide.

This currently is named the "Mental Health Crisis" as adequate care is not available in relation to the demands. As a type of crisis, this issue it is a maturation crisis (crisis built over time) where the number of mental health problem is increasing in the nation and when it comes to a certain point it will have a tipping point "crisis."

Let me analyze the situation to see where the cause is and the possible solution to this problem.

1) Is it affordable care act or other reasons too?

Increase in number of mental health issues has been discussed a lot around 2013, now the focus seems to be on increase in mental health issue in Children.  Either way, the discussion of "increased mental health issue" has been around.

The affordable care act just made it easy for individuals who originally did not have insurance to come see a professional for there challenges to see the professionals, or they thought they can see the professionals.  These individuals were always around suffering from mental health issues and we as a nation did not do anything about it.

So it is not necessary the affordable care act but the underlining issue of increase in mental health must be taken care of.

2) Should there be an increase in number of service providers?

It is a simple way of resolving the issue, yet from a business perspective this cannot easily be accepted as "people" are one of the most costly expense to a business. So if they do, another problem will naturally happen, decrease in the already reduced salary of mental health professionals.

Then what should the business and employees do?

LEVERAGE! the time and human interaction.

The number of clients/patients seen in an hour must increase. Of course, that is the reason why psychiatric medications became popular (you need to see the patients one a month or so).  However, we know the kick back of that problem, actual problem not resolved, increase in substance abuse, etc. etc.  Moreover, there seems to be a decrease in number of psychiatrist in this nation anyways (according to the news).

Quick question when do you think mental health practitioner makes money?

When they give the service to the clients?

YEEEE (incorrect)

When we complete the paperwork for the INSURANCE COMPANY.

We just can't prove YOU (patient) that we did a great job, we need to prove the insurance company.  And do they pay? HAHAHA, you tell me.

1) So cutting down on the paper work time will be essential by implementing efficient system or...

When I used to practice, I wanted to provide as much service as possible in the working hour for my client.  Ended up doing multiple after hour works, up to 5 hours, doing paper work.  Yes, I did provide great service, but burning out was the correct word. And majority of the paper work did not benefit any bit to my client.

There are multiple services, computer programs to make the writing paperwork more efficient as possible, does the company implement such system? and have they trained the employees in it?

By the way the reason why we like private pay client is that they pay upfront (not after like the insurance company) and no unnecessary paper works.

2) Cutting down treatment time by having ways for the clients/patient to know, like, and trust the practitioner before hands.

There has been a lot to be said about treatment time reduction.  Strategies such as "brief therapy" discusses a lot about it. Legendary therapist/doctor like Dr. Milton Erickson will be able to resolve a problem in one session.  Yes, there is extraordinary skills that Dr. Erickson had but what it really boils down to is TRUST.

If the clients trust us then the treatment goes exponentially fast.

But in order to gain trust, they need to like us, and before that know us.

The key of Dr. Erickson was in his later years, people heard about him, friend referred him, or seen on some paper and came.  Clients already knew about him, likely to like him, and possibly trusted him before the treatment started.

This cuts down on how fast we can finish the treatment.

Think about this.  You opened a door, and there is a total stranger.  How long would it take for you to TRUST that person?  Even if you knew they are professionals, it's not like fixing your car, it's about your life and you need to collaborate in order to make the necessary change (not like a surgery where you are knocked out and the surgeon just operates).

Social psychology would say at least three interaction to have a concrete perspective about another person.  Okay... that is three sessions already!

Thus, interesting enough therapists' public relation effort will reduce the treatment time.  Why do you think I write blogs?

Thus solutions are:

1) Have an introductory video of the therapist on a website or places clients can see.
2) Have podcast for the company and have your therapist as a guest.
3) Each therapist should have a blog, twitter, or some sort of way to send out messages to the world.

And of course, the therapist must keep training, improving their skills, knowledge, experience, and on themselves.

3) Decreasing service provider. The cause of it.

Is there decrease in service provider? Ahh, yes and no.  Yes, seems to have less psychiatrist, less people coming into our field, and no there is a lot of licensed psychologist, and alternative individuals such as healers and coaches.

General: Low pay for what we do. Salaries are originally based on the need to obtain the skills, knowledge, ability, and effort to maintain attitude and awareness of the required job.  Now a days it is based on the end result we provide and who we provide to (difference between treating depression of a millionaire and depression of a homeless).  The nature of the targeted population tends to be the lower income population.  Yes, there is rich people who have mental illness that needs treatment but that's not many compared to the poor.  Usually these rich people come to get treatment when they become broke.  It is difficult to maintain wealth with mental health issues, thus natural targeted population does not bring money to this industry.

If you treat many or provide value to many, it can compensate for the low income low paying population.  However, the nature of the service tends to be one-on-one or at max one-on-twelve (group therapy) and limits the income.

Rare cases are substance abuse because it requires some level of cash flow in order to sustain the habit. Many times, the family members are wealthy "enough" to pay for the treatment.

Moreover, the level of mental stress and psychological contamination risk (getting mentally ill yourself) are high.

Psychiatrist: pay is high but risk is higher.  1/3 of all sued cases for medical doctors are apparently against psychiatrists. Federal funding also was shifted from specialties to primary physician, resulting in natural drop in numbers.

Psychologist: pay is high but likelihood of being hired is slim.  All the knowledge, experience, skills, and abilities seemed to be undermined and seen equal to a master level therapist.  Plus you only need one to manage many below.  You can find many psychologist who will provide treatment and I am sure they will provide values to you but many are like me and take private payment, or only specific insurance.

Coaches and Healers: Their pay and expense to gain the certification or skills matches for these individuals. Plus many times they deal with higher functioning individuals which means higher economic status, higher pay.


Strike itself, I will support it because it shines a light on the crisis we are facing now which will become worse if it is left untouched.
1) We must reduce the number of clients to begin with by providing prevention to the community, and hopefully the insurance company pays for such prevention seminars/training.
2) Always have better efficient way to reduce the unnecessary time wasted on paper work.
3) Find and implement ways to increase visibility of the therapist so they are known, liked and trusted before the session to reduce number of sessions (overall therapist will be able to see more people in a year).

Lastly, the strike also has to do with not only the lack of therapist in Kaiser but also has to do with team development, where the business and employee do not have the same mission.  Simply, they are not working as a team. If the mission was the same then people will work overtime, and be creative.  The inability to create a company were mission comes first, then the team, and individuals last are the cause of the problem, which probably my mentor, a rich dad adviser, Blair Singer would say.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My thought to: Opinion Journal: What Caused the Financial Crisis?

My thought to: Opinion Journal: 
What Caused the Financial Crisis?

In this short 5 minutes video an expert brings on the topic of what caused financial crisis. The response was primarily to the government having loans with low down payment.

If you categorize financial crisis based on "crisis theory" it will be categorized under maturational crisis, which means a crisis that developed in the normal increase of stress, and it is predictable.

Maturational Crisis is caused by a role change or inability to change the role.

So who's role did not change in response to what?

Just like Robert Kiyosaki says, August 15, 1971 is probably the date we need to go back to the reason for our role change.

This is the date, president Nixon took money off the gold standard and money became debt based "currency." (see more on

This means the role of "money" changed and we as people needed to adapt to this new rule and change our role.  It is like a baseball changing to a tennis ball, or a kitchen knife changing to a paper cutter. Although it seemed similar, it was a drastic change.

As a result people continued to work and use money as if it was "money", something that would not change in its value.  However, inflation shows that the value has been changing, which for those who did not adapt to the new rule, relied on "dept" to survive.

Dept in this scenario is stress. Increase in dept of individuals, families, communities, counties, states, and the country has led to a point of crisis to release the stress somehow.  And this is financial crisis.

Interestingly, as I mentioned above maturational crisis are predictable.  And indeed, the U.S.' financial crisis is also some what predictable.  Just like every dept based country has gone bankrupt the results are determined.  You don't need a genius to imagine what happens when you keep on borrowing money which does not create any income/asset.

So, Taka! When is it going to happen?

Good question.  If you have any literacy on reading charts for stock, then those investors and traders have been aware of what is going on. (see: 2015/01/13/sell-sell-why-the-sp-500-will-halve-in-2016/)

Although, it is out of topic, let me do a quick analysis of the candle stick chart pattern for S&P 500.  The resistance (the highest value attained) is 2088.50 on December 29, 2014. Next is 2062.00, on January 8, 2015 (based on  Okay, if there is an upward trend usually chronologically we should be seeing a higher number than 12/29/2014.  Now the next point is 1984.25 on January 5, 2015.  If we ever penetrate lower than this number we need to be aware for the big down fall.

Make sure you change your "role" of your retirement fund and investment (i.e., change to sell from hold). That is at least what we can do for prevention of financial crisis.  

If the market goes above 2088.50 then we have little more time to breath.

So, what is my opinion as a psychologist about the cause?  It is lack of prefrontal cortex use among the mass, meaning the lack of flexibility to shift thinking patterns and decision making knowing that the rule have changed.  Or lack of awareness to the fact the rule has changed (which is also a prefrontal cortex weakness).

Strategies will be to set alerts on Yahoo! Finance if you do have an Yahoo account or have Google alerts to send you information about S&P 500. Also, news related to such economical crisis is a good alert to have as it is predictable.

Oh, for those who want to take advantage of it, when stock market begins moving down, buy the stock in about 2 years when "usually" it is at the lowest possible.  Thus, saving money for investment from now may not be a bad idea.  That is how John Templeton became a millionaire after the Word War I (see: http://www.

Can you turn this crisis to an opportunity?

See video at:

Saving My Aunt who had a Stroke and Meningitis through Coma and Brain Recovery

In end of last month (December 2014), my maternal aunt had a meningitis and a stroke.

She went into a coma, where my family was told that she had 50/50 chance to survive. I personally did not know what I can do, especially when I was in the U.S. and my aunt was in Japan.

So, just as a good psychologist will do, I researched about coma, stroke, meningitis to add to what I already know and give the information to my family. Especially, to my grandmother who was extremely worried.

Interestingly, I found a case study where they helped a person to be awake from coma using hypnosis and continued using hypnosis for recovery in 1987 (see: 10.1080/00029157.1987.10402705).

To give a hypnosis, I recorded a hypnotic session of 8 minutes (which can be repeated) hoping that the Ericksonian hypnosis will have an affect on my Aunt's recovery.

And interestingly enough, she opened her eyes in two days from coma, right after listening to my recording where I state the suggestion of "open your eyes!"

I am sure she was receiving the correct treatment for her medical condition, and it is still interesting where such thing happens.

I created more recordings to support her brain recovery through hypnosis and also did couple of neuropsychological test to see her progress and have statistical expectation on her recovery.

Interestingly enough medical treatments in Japan do not do such things.

Neuropsychological assessment, treatment planning, and hypnotic treatment are some thing I believe Japanese treatment can do more of.