My study of psychology or as a therapist has always been competence first. Crisis management and intervention were part of my criteria as a competent psychologist. I always looked for ways to be better, greater, humane, and helping psychologist.
Mean while there are people who go opposite direction like...
Torturing people?
Yes, there are psychologist who go against the supposedly ethics code that we abide by.
Yeah... not like have good intension but making mistake. With bad intention use the power of psychology. Like the opposite direction of a competent psychologist.
Awareness and Attitude are important as a competent any professional. We must be aware of our power and work towards the greater good with compassion, a great attitude.
I don't agree with all ethics code, because you get a sense that it was created from fear rather than passion or caution. (i.e., fear of being sued, hurting others, being hurt, etc.)
However, I agree with the basic principles which are:
Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility
Principle C: Integrity
Principle D: Justice
Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity
So torturing obviously goes against basically everything?
Yes, yes, if you are in military you are made to swear that you are soldier or officer first then a psychologist, and based on research you don't get any accurate information from torturing an individual. "Think about it, would you say the correct thing to a person who torture you or say whatever in order to get off the hook?"
Either way, we might not get good information from torturing but we definetly know how to psychologically provide pain, just reverse the process of therapy and positive psychology.
For what reason? To satisfy our sadistic nature? That is just sick, and that person is in need of serious therapy...
For same reason confession no longer hold the same power of evidence in legal cases no days.
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