Monday, March 23, 2015

Business Crisis Made Easy into 3 Components: MOPS

It is crazy for me not to write about the business crisis management model when that is what I do.

Business has three basic components in order to operate and a crisis related to each:

M- Marketing > Financial Crisis

O- Operation > Organizational Crisis

P/S- Product/Service > Stagnant Crisis

Each has a 3 basic solutions, what all employee must do, and the psychological fear that they need to overcome.


  1. Public Relations
  2. Branding/Marketing
  3. Sales
Employee Mindset
"Everybody must sale."
  • Rejection

Because we hate our idea, product, or services to be rejected we tend to under play the marketing/sales piece.  Although, if you do not do a good job in this area you will be broke and not help anybody, still there is a psychology that stops us from taking action to encounter others and sell/educate them.

  1. Systems (i.e., logistics, company rules, etc.)
  2. Team Building
  3. Expertise (i.e., law, tax)
Employee Mindset
"Must agree and follow the rule and system."
  • Insignificance/Vulnerability
Because of the need to be individualistic and significance there is something that stops us from following the law, rule, asking for help or just simply modeling what works. The weird misconception of rule will restrict us, asking others means your weak and other subconscious ideas, people can't just follow the system.

  1. Innovation
  2. Rapport
  3. Research/Analysis
Employee Mindset
"Higher standard than the day before, constant change and growth."

  • Unknown

Because the greatest fear is the unknown and our brain is geared to stay in the comfort zone, finding and exploring the new is not on top of the list.  Yet, everything in the universe is either growing or dying, so a stagnation in the organization or product most likely lead to the competition smoking them away or just naturally disappearing.

Finally, once the company/organization goes through all three crisis, they just begins from the beginning and it is a cycle.

I will make sure that I make a training video related to this topic soon. Keep eyes on 

Please leave a comment or question I will highly appreciate and get back to you ASAP.

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